EcoWaste Coalition Promotes Water Saving Tips as Water Level in Angat Dam Nears Critical Level

As the water level in Angat Dam nears the 160 meter critical level, the EcoWaste Coalition, an environmental protection group, renewed its call for all consumers to minimize the wastage of water and to practise water conservation .

“As the water level in Angat Dam continues to plummet, we appeal to all individual, household, institutional, commercial and industrial consumers to take further steps to avoid water waste,” said Aileen Lucero, National Coordinator, EcoWaste Coalition.

“We all need to curb our water waste and conserve this precious resource as many communities face water service interruptions,” she said.

“As we urge everyone to conserve water, we ask the National Water Resources Board and water concessionaires to ensure people’s access to water.  We request them to initiate extra measures to lessen the hardship of consumers as taps run dry in the coming days,” she added.

To prevent and reduce water wastage, the EcoWaste  Coalition urged water consumers to heed the following water saving  tips:

1.  Fix dripping tanks, pipes, faucets, showerheads and hoses to prevent water loss.

2.  Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, lathering with soap or shaving.

3. Take shorter showers with a pail and dipper and use just enough water.

4.  Reuse towels a few times before putting them on the laundry basket.

5.  Collect grey water from bathing and washing and reuse it to wash the car, clean the garage, maintain sidewalks or flush the toilet.

6.  Place a brick or water-filled bottle inside the toilet tank to reduce water used in every flush and flush less.

7. Collect water dripping from air conditioners and use the collected water for washing mops and rugs, flushing the toilet or watering the plants.

8.  Leave grass clippings on the lawn as this cools the ground and holds in moisture.

9. Spread a layer of mulch around plants and trees to retain water and reduce evaporation.

10. Water the plants early in the morning or in the evening when temperature is cooler to minimize water loss.

11.  Refrain from using the washing machine if only washing a few clothes, do full loads of laundry, and use just the right amount of detergent to avoid extra rinsing.

12. Wash fruits and vegetables in a basin and not in running water; reuse the water for watering the plants.

13. Save the rice wash for washing the dishes or watering plants.

14. Steam vegetables instead of boiling to conserve water as well as preserve their nutrients.

15. Thaw frozen meat in the refrigerator overnight, not on running water.

16. Use fewer cooking and dining utensils and dishes to reduce water use for washing.

17.  Choose the proper pan and pot size for cooking as bigger ones may need more cooking water than required.

18. Do not let the water run when washing the dishes, fill one basin with wash water and the other with rinse water.

19.  Soak dirty pans and pots first instead of scraping them in running water.

20.  Collect and store rainwater for daily chores.

