National Candidates Told: Keep Lamp Posts, Utility Poles and Trees Free of Campaign Materials

27 February 2025, Quezon City.  As the battle of tarpaulins rages on, the environmental watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition reminded senatorial and party-list candidates not to hang their publicity materials on lamp posts, utility poles, trees and other prohibited places.

The EcoWaste Coalition, a partner of the Commission on Elections (C0MELEC) in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable elections, found it necessary to again remind the candidates after monitoring rampant display of campaign materials, particularly in Caloocan, Manila, Navotas, Pasay and Quezon Cities, in places forbidden by law.

COMELEC Resolution No. 11111 prohibits the posting of campaign materials outside of the designated common poster areas, on private properties without owner’s consent, and on public places such as streets, bridges, public structures or buildings, trees, electric posts or wires, schools, shrines, main thoroughfares, etc.

“Despite the ongoing Operation Baklas, major and secondary streets in some cities are teeming with propaganda materials, particularly the ubiquitous plastic tarpaulins that are nailed, tacked or tied on lamp posts, utility poles and trees. The battle of tarpaulins rages on as the campaign heats up, ” said Jove Benosa, Campaigner, EcoWaste Coalition.

For example, the group found not a few lamp posts and utility poles in busy streets “decorated” with one or more campaign tarpaulins of senatorial bets.  In some cases, it found tarpaulins of one or two senatorial bets on the same lamp post, plus a tarpaulin or two of one or more party-list groups, virtually making the lamp post as a "common poster area."

“While not as many as those posted on electric and lamp posts, we also found campaign tarpaulins hanging on electric wires, bridges, pedestrian overpasses, public covered courts and on trees,” he added.  “Some of these materials may even exceed the permissible size for posters.”

Based on the monitoring it conducted since the official campaign period for national candidates commenced on February 11, the EcoWaste Coalition expressed the urgent need for the candidates themselves to step in and ensure their names and faces are not associated with illegal campaigning activities.

“As a sign of their respect and adherence to the election laws, we appeal to concerned candidates to instruct their campaign workers and supporters to follow the rules and direct them to remove tarpaulins in forbidden sites,” said Benosa.  

The group also pointed out that the absence of a law on premature campaigning should not be exploited by local candidates to inundate the streets and communities with campaign tarpaulins before the local campaigning kicks off on March 28.

The EcoWaste Coalition last February 10 launched its “Kalikasan: Pangalagaan sa Halalan" advocacy to urge candidates to embrace eco-friendly, non-toxic and sustainable campaign practices, and to incorporate the protection of public health and the environment into their campaign platforms.

