Freedom Day Eco-Advisory: Ten Green Action Points to Fix the Environment

To mark the country ‘s 113th Independence Day, an environmental watchdog has released a 10 easy-to-do “green list” that patriotic Filipinos can do to fix the environment.
“Reversing the deteriorating state of our natural resources and restoring ecosystem health is a huge challenge that we all can have a say in attaining or not,” said Roy Alvarez, President, EcoWaste Coalition.
“We need not be in the halls of power to be able to make a difference since we all are children of Mother Earth and we ought to care for her,” he stated.
“As responsible citizens, let us cut our carbon imprints and together as one people strive to live in harmony with nature on which our existence depends,” he added.
Carbon imprint, also called carbon footprint, is a measure of the negative impact human activities have on the environment, and specifically on climate change.
To help in stopping environmental degradation and in restoring ecosystem health, the EcoWaste Coalition has come up with commonsensical suggestions for reducing carbon imprints.
“From this list, we hope that caring Filipinos will pick at least five personal actions to begin with and then do more to protect and conserve our environment,” Alvarez said.
“In fact, we should expand this list to include planting trees and cleaning rivers, stopping deleterious mining practices, taking part in governance issues, spreading eco-information, being eco-ethical and law-abiding and a lot more,” he pointed out.
“The reward for taking action is big – a greener and healthier nation for present and future generations of Filipinos,” he emphasized.
Here are some green action ideas from the EcoWaste Coalition for starters:
1. Keep the Philippines beautiful: litter not, dump not, burn not.
2. Kick the plastic bag habit: go for “bayong” and reusable bags and containers.
3. Be cautious about excess packaging; shun over-packaged products.
5. Ditch bottled water; opt for reusable water jug or container for clean tap water.
6. Reduce your waste size, segregate, reuse, recycle and live a simple, garbage-free lifestyle.
7. Compost biodegradable discards and keep compostables out of landfills.
8. Conserve water, fix leaky faucets and harvest rainwater.
9. Don’t leave appliances on standby; turn off and unplug all lights and electronic items not in use.
10. Quit smoking, reduce health risks and clear the environment of toxic cigarette smoke and filter.
In the meantime, the EcoWaste Coalition re-issued its “Climate Change Survival Guide,” which contains 100 “tips” for essential lifestyle changes amid the unfolding impacts of global warming and climate change.
“Reversing the deteriorating state of our natural resources and restoring ecosystem health is a huge challenge that we all can have a say in attaining or not,” said Roy Alvarez, President, EcoWaste Coalition.
“We need not be in the halls of power to be able to make a difference since we all are children of Mother Earth and we ought to care for her,” he stated.
“As responsible citizens, let us cut our carbon imprints and together as one people strive to live in harmony with nature on which our existence depends,” he added.
Carbon imprint, also called carbon footprint, is a measure of the negative impact human activities have on the environment, and specifically on climate change.
To help in stopping environmental degradation and in restoring ecosystem health, the EcoWaste Coalition has come up with commonsensical suggestions for reducing carbon imprints.
“From this list, we hope that caring Filipinos will pick at least five personal actions to begin with and then do more to protect and conserve our environment,” Alvarez said.
“In fact, we should expand this list to include planting trees and cleaning rivers, stopping deleterious mining practices, taking part in governance issues, spreading eco-information, being eco-ethical and law-abiding and a lot more,” he pointed out.
“The reward for taking action is big – a greener and healthier nation for present and future generations of Filipinos,” he emphasized.
Here are some green action ideas from the EcoWaste Coalition for starters:
1. Keep the Philippines beautiful: litter not, dump not, burn not.
2. Kick the plastic bag habit: go for “bayong” and reusable bags and containers.
3. Be cautious about excess packaging; shun over-packaged products.
5. Ditch bottled water; opt for reusable water jug or container for clean tap water.
6. Reduce your waste size, segregate, reuse, recycle and live a simple, garbage-free lifestyle.
7. Compost biodegradable discards and keep compostables out of landfills.
8. Conserve water, fix leaky faucets and harvest rainwater.
9. Don’t leave appliances on standby; turn off and unplug all lights and electronic items not in use.
10. Quit smoking, reduce health risks and clear the environment of toxic cigarette smoke and filter.
In the meantime, the EcoWaste Coalition re-issued its “Climate Change Survival Guide,” which contains 100 “tips” for essential lifestyle changes amid the unfolding impacts of global warming and climate change.